22 Language Resources (Page 1 of 2)

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 Amharic-English bilingual corpus    
  • Amharic
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0074

ISLRN: 590-255-335-719-0

The Amharic-English bilingual corpus contains parallel text from legal and news domains in Amharic script, in transliterated form and in English. The size of the corpus is of 232,653 words in Amharic and 291,701 in English. This parallel corpus contains documents from two domains, namely legal...

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 English-Nepali Parallel Corpus    
  • English
  • Nepali (macrolanguage)

ID: ELRA-W0077

ISLRN: 853-487-663-161-6

The Nepali Monolingual written corpus is one of the 3 resources that constitute the Nepali National Corpus. The Nepali National Corpus was produced in 2006 in the framework of the project Bhasha Sanchar (“language communication”), also known as Nelralec, for Nepali Language Resources and Localiza...

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 English-Persian parallel corpus    
  • English
  • Persian

ID: ELRA-W0118

ISLRN: 074-825-114-781-7

The English-Persian parallel corpus contains more than 200,000 aligned sentences across a variety of text types from the domains of art, law, culture, science, religion, literature, medicine, idioms, politics and others. It is an extension of the English-Persian parallel corpus already distribute...

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 English-Persian parallel Corpus    
  • English
  • Persian

ID: ELRA-W0051

ISLRN: 671-618-321-687-7

Please refer to ELRA-W0118 for the latest version of this corpus. This version consists of about 3,500,000 English and Persian (Farsi) words aligned at sentence level (about 100,000 sentences, distributed over 50,021 entries). The format of the files is Unicode. It has been originally created wi...

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 English-Punjabi Code-Mixed Social Media Content    
  • English
  • Panjabi; Punjabi

ID: ELRA-W0319

ISLRN: 695-759-706-170-8

The English-Punjabi Code-Mixed Social Media Content corpus is composed is composed of 893,615 parallel sentences of English-Punjabi distributed over the following domains: - 82,341 parallel sentences of English-Punjabi code-mixed Agriculture Domain Data, - 59,158 parallel sentences of English-P...

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 English-Vietnamese Parallel Corpus    
  • English
  • Vietnamese

ID: ELRA-W0124

ISLRN: 838-483-738-912-8

This is a corpus of 500,000 English-Vietnamese sentence pairs, built to develop SMT (Statistical Machine Translation) systems. The parallel corpus contains English documents translated by professional translators into Vietnamese. The source texts include books, dictionaries, newspapers, online ne...

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8000.00 € submit
 English-Vietnamese Parallel Corpus    
  • English
  • Vietnamese

ID: ELRA-W0311

ISLRN: 893-470-491-825-6

The English-Vietnamese Parallel Corpus consists of 1,000,000 sentence pairs, with an average length of 20 words per sentence. The corpus is provided in XML format and is annotated according to TEI-encoding guidelines.

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 EUROPARL Corpus Parallel Corpora: Portuguese-English    
  • English
  • Portuguese

ID: ELRA-W0090

ISLRN: 435-502-922-727-2

The EUROPARL Corpus (Portuguese-English subpart of the parallel corpora), was extracted from the proceedings of the European Parliament. It contains transcriptions of sessions dating back from 1996 to 2011, with a total of approximately 58,324,562 tokens of European Portuguese (L1) and 49,216,896...

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 PANACEA English-French and English-Greek parallel corpus acquired for Environment domain    
  • English
  • French
  • Modern Greek (1453-)

ID: ELRA-W0057

ISLRN: 870-946-931-293-7

The PANACEA English-French and English-Greek parallel corpus was acquired in the framework of the PANACEA project (Platform for Automatic, Normalized Annotation and Cost-Effective Acquisition of Language Resources for Human Language Technologies), under the European Commission's Seventh Framework...

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 PANACEA English-French and English-Greek parallel corpus acquired for Labour Legislation domain    
  • English
  • French
  • Modern Greek (1453-)

ID: ELRA-W0058

ISLRN: 428-891-110-719-1

The PANACEA English-French and English-Greek parallel corpus was acquired in the framework of the PANACEA project (Platform for Automatic, Normalized Annotation and Cost-Effective Acquisition of Language Resources for Human Language Technologies), under the European Commission's Seventh Framework...

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 TRAD Arabic-English Mailing lists Parallel corpus - Development set    
  • Arabic
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0108

ISLRN: 213-044-240-074-6

This is a parallel corpus of 10,000 words in Arabic and a reference translation in English. The source texts are emails collected from Wikiar-I, a mailing list for discussions about the Arabic Wikipedia. The collected emails are dated from 2004 to 2007. The translation has been conducted follow...

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 TRAD Arabic-English Mailing lists Parallel corpus - Test set    
  • Arabic
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0106

ISLRN: 858-529-510-480-2

This is a parallel corpus of 10,000 words in Arabic and 2 reference translations in English. The source texts are emails collected from Wikiar-I, a mailing list for discussions about the Arabic Wikipedia. The collected emails are dated from 2010 to 2012. The translation has been conducted by tw...

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 TRAD Arabic-English Newspaper Parallel corpus - Test set 1    
  • Arabic
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0099

ISLRN: 764-187-795-074-0

This is a parallel corpus of 10,000 words in Arabic and 2 reference translations in English. The source texts are articles collected in 2012 from the Arabic version of Le Monde Diplomatique. The translation has been conducted by two different translation teams following a strict protocol aimed at...

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 TRAD Arabic-English Parallel corpus of transcribed Broadcast News Speech    
  • Arabic
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0102

ISLRN: 812-050-111-234-9

This is a parallel corpus of 10,000 words in Arabic and 2 reference translations in English. The source texts are transcriptions of broadcast news in Arabic recorded on France 24. The translation has been conducted by two different translation teams following a strict protocol aimed at producing ...

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 TRAD Arabic-English Web domain (blogs) Parallel corpus    
  • Arabic
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0104

ISLRN: 762-161-069-435-5

This is a parallel corpus of 10,000 words in Arabic and 2 reference translations in English. The source texts are blog articles written between 2008 and 2013. The translation has been conducted by two different translation teams following a strict protocol aimed at producing high quality translat...

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 TRAD Chinese-English Email Parallel corpus – Development Set    
  • Chinese
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0113

ISLRN: 447-281-370-489-0

This is a parallel corpus of 15,000 characters in Chinese (equivalent to 10,000 words) and a reference translation in English. The source texts are a selection of emails from the Speechocean King-NLP-001 corpus, a corpus of private emails collected from the daily life and business domains. The ...

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 TRAD Chinese-English Email Parallel corpus – Test Set    
  • Chinese
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0115

ISLRN: 985-956-234-357-3

This is a parallel corpus of 15,000 characters in Chinese (equivalent to 10,000 words) and 2 reference translations in English. The source texts are a selection of emails from the Speechocean King-NLP-001 corpus, a corpus of private emails collected from the daily life and business domains. The t...

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 TRAD Chinese-English News Articles Parallel corpus    
  • Chinese
  • English

ID: ELRA-W0112

ISLRN: 626-096-751-907-7

This is a parallel corpus of 15,000 characters in Chinese (equivalent to 10,000 words) and 2 reference translations in English. The source texts are newspaper articles from the Chinese version of Voice of America. Articles are dated from 2011 and 2012. The translation has been conducted by two di...

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