Resource Type:
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84 Language Resources (Page 1 of 5)
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- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0039
ISLRN: 501-292-014-931-9APASCI is an Italian speech database recorded in an insulated room with a Sennheiser MKH 416 T microphone. It includes 5,290 phonetically rich sentences and 10,800 isolated digits, for a total of 58,924 word occurrences (2,191 different words) and 641 minutes of speech. The speech material was re...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
800.00 €
20000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
20000.00 €
20000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1600.00 €
25000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
25000.00 €
25000.00 €
- English
- French
- Italian
ID: ELRA-W0018
ISLRN: 681-769-134-114-2The ARCADE/ROMANSEVAL corpus was used as a reference corpus in two international competitions: · ARCADE, an exercise on multilingual text alignment financed by AUPELF-UREF · ROMANSEVAL, part of the SENSEVAL exercise sponsored by ACL-SIGLEX and EURALEX, on word sense disambiguation. The corpus ...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
0.00 €
2000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
2000.00 €
2000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
0.00 €
5000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
5000.00 €
5000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0490-10
ISLRN: 204-114-156-037-4Human voice recordings of single-word lemmas and multiword expressions, besides IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) and alternative scripts (Japanese – Romaji/Kanji/Hiragana; Chinese – Pinyin; Arabic and Hebrew – w/out diacritics), distributed as distinct sets (from ELRA-S0490-01 to ELRA-S0490-...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1679.80 €
1679.80 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1763.79 €
1763.79 €
Special offers are also available. Check here for details.
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish; Castilian
ID: ELRA-M0001
ISLRN: 874-922-751-076-4Entries: 30 000 each language Languages: French, English, Italian, German, Spanish Format: ASCII or ANSI with separators between entries Medium: CD-ROM The words are associated by the meaning. The lexical categories are: nouns (5 * 18 000), verbs (5 * 8 000), adjectives (5 * 6 000), adverbs (5 * ...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
8861.00 €
11077.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
11077.00 €
11077.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
11077.00 €
13846.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
13846.00 €
13846.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0145
ISLRN: 799-050-908-518-3The series of Bitext Lexical Datasets includes Lemmas, POS tagging, Frequency, Named Entities and Offensive features. Depending on the dataset and language, other syntactic and morphological features are also provided. The Bitext Lexical Dataset - Italian consists of 65,000 lemmas (1,400,000 form...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
67000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
67000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0158
ISLRN: 291-311-446-172-3As a complement to the generic vocabulary provided in ELRA-L0145, language variants of Italian are provided with the following features: Tense, Mood, Person, Number, Gender, Contraction, Pronominal Clitics. Variants are distributed as follows: - Italian (Italy): 82,000 lemmas / 1,470,000 forms...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
74000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
74000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0369
ISLRN: 865-893-448-970-5CLIPS_MT_MANUAL is a sub-corpus of the original Italian CLIPS corpus (Corpora e Lessici dell'Italiano Parlato e Scritto). This corpus contains 3228 inspected and partially repaired WAV signal files, each containing one dialogue turn (*.wav), 3228 corrected original CLIPS annotation files (*.acs, ...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
127.82 €
255.64 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
255.64 €
255.64 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
255.65 €
511.30 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
511.30 €
511.30 €
- French
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Spanish; Castilian
ID: ELRA-S0172
ISLRN: 318-977-046-077-4Description The C-ORAL-ROM resource is a multilingual corpus of spontaneous1 speech for the main romance languages of around 1,200,000 words (IST 2000-26228). The resource comprises three components: a)Multimedia corpus; b)Speech software; c)Appendix. The corpus consists of four comparable recor...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1500.00 €
10000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
10000.00 €
10000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
3000.00 €
20000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
20000.00 €
20000.00 €
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish; Castilian
ID: ELRA-T0095
ISLRN: 808-776-199-075-5Solar and wind energy Cards available: 860 Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian Card Description: Each card in this terminological database contains a definition, relation between concepts, graphics, abbreviations, notes, sub-domains, sources, grammatical labels.
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1057.80 €
1057.80 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1057.80 €
1057.80 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1763.00 €
1763.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1763.00 €
1763.00 €
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch; Flemish
- English
- French
- German
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Latin
- Modern Greek (1453-)
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish; Castilian
- Swedish
- Thai
- Turkish
ID: ELRA-M0111-04
ISLRN: 255-971-767-096-3The GLOBAL Multilingual Lexical Data (references ELRA-M0111-01 to ELRA-M0111-06 in the ELRA Catalogue) consists of a network of lexicographic cores for major world languages, comprising diverse monolingual, bilingual and multilingual combinations, in different sizes, originally built for language...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
6800.00 €
6800.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
7140.00 €
7140.00 €
Special offers are also available. Check here for details.
- Danish
- Dutch; Flemish
- French
- German
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Spanish; Castilian
- Swedish
ID: ELRA-M0111-05
ISLRN: 642-267-621-639-3The GLOBAL Multilingual Lexical Data (references ELRA-M0111-01 to ELRA-M0111-06 in the ELRA Catalogue) consists of a network of lexicographic cores for major world languages, comprising diverse monolingual, bilingual and multilingual combinations, in different sizes, originally built for language...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
13690.00 €
13690.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
14374.50 €
14374.50 €
Special offers are also available. Check here for details.
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch; Flemish
- English
- French
- German
- Hebrew
- Hindi
- Italian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Latin
- Modern Greek (1453-)
- Norwegian
- Polish
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish; Castilian
- Swedish
- Thai
- Turkish
ID: ELRA-M0111-01
ISLRN: 604-974-454-390-3The GLOBAL Multilingual Lexical Data (references ELRA-M0111-01 to ELRA-M0111-06 in the ELRA Catalogue) consists of a network of lexicographic cores for major world languages, comprising diverse monolingual, bilingual and multilingual combinations, in different sizes, originally built for language...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
4250.00 €
4250.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
4462.50 €
4462.50 €
Special offers are also available. Check here for details.
- Danish
- Dutch; Flemish
- French
- German
- Hebrew
- Italian
- Norwegian
- Portuguese
- Spanish; Castilian
- Swedish
ID: ELRA-M0111-02
ISLRN: 282-033-962-912-2The GLOBAL Multilingual Lexical Data (references ELRA-M0111-01 to ELRA-M0111-06 in the ELRA Catalogue) consists of a network of lexicographic cores for major world languages, comprising diverse monolingual, bilingual and multilingual combinations, in different sizes, originally built for language...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
8510.00 €
8510.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
8935.50 €
8935.50 €
Special offers are also available. Check here for details.
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0006
ISLRN: 965-829-467-456-4The ILC Italian Morphological Lexicon consists of a set of lemmas/lexical entries (about 60,000) with the corresponding inflected word-forms, and a morphological engine for morphological analysis and generation. Lemmas and word-forms are encoded with grammatical codes compatible with the EAGLES r...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
4000.00 €
12000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
12000.00 €
12000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
8000.00 €
20000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
20000.00 €
20000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0059
ISLRN: 052-156-999-928-3ILE is a 588,000 entries Italian lexicon transcribed with SAMPA notation. It was generated, mainly for speech recognition purposes, by means of a morphological analyzer handling more than 100,000 morphemes, each of them transcribed and manually checked. Each stem was combined with all its possibl...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
3000.00 €
12000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
12000.00 €
12000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
6000.00 €
18000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
18000.00 €
18000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0228-98
ISLRN: 501-616-216-038-6This corpus comprises 19,788 entries uttered by 31 speakers (15 males and 16 females), recorded over 2 channels (desktop in quiet office). Speech samples are stored as a sequence of 16-bit 44.1kHz for a total of 4.9 hours of speech per channel.
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
5400.00 €
5400.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
5400.00 €
5400.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
5400.00 €
5400.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
5400.00 €
5400.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0069
ISLRN: 840-625-201-574-7This Italian lexicon is made up of 862,500 inflected forms corresponding to 112,000 simple word lemmas. It contains: - 66,340 nouns, with type, gender, number and inflected forms (including irregular forms) - 12,030 verbs, with mood, tense, person, gender, number and inflected forms (including ir...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
5500.00 €
6500.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
8000.00 €
8000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
7000.00 €
8500.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
10000.00 €
10000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0070
ISLRN: 565-957-248-233-5This Italian lexicon is the same as the one described in ELRA-L0069, but with the addition of clitic verbs, which increases the number of inflected forms to 1,800,000 (still corresponding to 112,000 simple words lemmas). Half the lexicon is made up of clitic verbs. It contains: - 66,340 nouns, wi...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
6500.00 €
8000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
10000.00 €
10000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
8500.00 €
10000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
12500.00 €
12500.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0147
ISLRN: 458-657-455-735-5The Italian Speech Corpus 1 contains the recordings of 202 native Italian speakers (112 males, 90 females) recorded in an office and a closed public place, over 4 channels, in a range of low to medium background noise environments (Plantronics Audio 10 (computer/desk mic), Shure SM58 (desk mounte...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1200.00 €
9500.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
9500.00 €
9500.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1500.00 €
15000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
15000.00 €
15000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0450
ISLRN: 217-750-727-467-7The data were recorded by 3,109 native Italian speakers with authentic Italian accents. The recorded content covers a wide range of categories such as general purpose, interactive, in car commands, home commands, etc. The recorded text is designed by a language expert, and the text is manually pr...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
342237.50 €
342237.50 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
342237.50 €
342237.50 €
Special offers are also available. Check here for details.
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