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2 Language Resources
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French-Canadian Speecon database
- French
ID: ELRA-S0240
ISLRN: 201-245-462-143-7The French-Canadian Speecon database is divided into 2 sets: 1) The first set comprises the recordings of 550 adult French-Canadian speakers (276 males, 274 females), recorded over 4 microphone channels in 4 recording environments (office, entertainment, car, public place). 2) The second set co...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
50000.00 €
67000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
67000.00 €
67000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
60000.00 €
75000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
75000.00 €
75000.00 €
French Speecon database
- French
ID: ELRA-S0168
ISLRN: 193-548-546-472-4The French Speecon database is divided into 2 sets: 1. The first set comprises the recordings of 550 adult French speakers (275 males, 275 females), recorded over 4 microphone channels in 4 recording environments (office, entertainment, car, public place). 2. The second set comprises the r...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
50000.00 €
67000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
67000.00 €
67000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
60000.00 €
75000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
75000.00 €
75000.00 €