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23 Language Resources (Page 1 of 2)
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- German
- Italian
ID: ELRA-W0005
ISLRN: 869-857-775-378-7The objective is to provide a small but fine grained morphosyntactically tagged corpus, 50.000 running words for each of the two languages (Italian and German) to be used in research work on tagging methods and models. The text for German comes from the Frankfurter Rundschau extracted from the EC...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
20.00 €
20.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
45.00 €
45.00 €
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish; Castilian
ID: ELRA-T0095
ISLRN: 808-776-199-075-5Solar and wind energy Cards available: 860 Languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian Card Description: Each card in this terminological database contains a definition, relation between concepts, graphics, abbreviations, notes, sub-domains, sources, grammatical labels.
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1057.80 €
1057.80 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1057.80 €
1057.80 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1763.00 €
1763.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1763.00 €
1763.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0006
ISLRN: 965-829-467-456-4The ILC Italian Morphological Lexicon consists of a set of lemmas/lexical entries (about 60,000) with the corresponding inflected word-forms, and a morphological engine for morphological analysis and generation. Lemmas and word-forms are encoded with grammatical codes compatible with the EAGLES r...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
4000.00 €
12000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
12000.00 €
12000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
8000.00 €
20000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
20000.00 €
20000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0059
ISLRN: 052-156-999-928-3ILE is a 588,000 entries Italian lexicon transcribed with SAMPA notation. It was generated, mainly for speech recognition purposes, by means of a morphological analyzer handling more than 100,000 morphemes, each of them transcribed and manually checked. Each stem was combined with all its possibl...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
3000.00 €
12000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
12000.00 €
12000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
6000.00 €
18000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
18000.00 €
18000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0069
ISLRN: 840-625-201-574-7This Italian lexicon is made up of 862,500 inflected forms corresponding to 112,000 simple word lemmas. It contains: - 66,340 nouns, with type, gender, number and inflected forms (including irregular forms) - 12,030 verbs, with mood, tense, person, gender, number and inflected forms (including ir...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
5500.00 €
6500.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
8000.00 €
8000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
7000.00 €
8500.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
10000.00 €
10000.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0070
ISLRN: 565-957-248-233-5This Italian lexicon is the same as the one described in ELRA-L0069, but with the addition of clitic verbs, which increases the number of inflected forms to 1,800,000 (still corresponding to 112,000 simple words lemmas). Half the lexicon is made up of clitic verbs. It contains: - 66,340 nouns, wi...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
6500.00 €
8000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
10000.00 €
10000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
8500.00 €
10000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
12500.00 €
12500.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-W0044
ISLRN: 927-246-660-947-9ISST comprises 89,941 tokens for the financial-domain part and 215,606 tokens for the general part. It is formatted in XML. ISST has a five-level structure covering orthographic, morpho-syntactic, syntactic and semantic levels of linguistic description. Syntactic annotation is distributed over t...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
100.00 €
1500.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1500.00 €
1500.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
150.00 €
2500.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
2500.00 €
2500.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0270
ISLRN: 593-069-994-396-4The LC-STAR Italian Phonetic lexicon was created within the scope of the LC-STAR project (IST 2001-32216) which was sponsored by the European Commission. The lexicon comprises 109,712 entries, distributed over three categories: - a set of 56,420 common word entries. This set is extracted from a...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
14250.00 €
22000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
22000.00 €
22000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
21500.00 €
29250.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
29250.00 €
29250.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-W0069
ISLRN: 843-358-936-298-5The PANACEA Environment Italian monolingual corpus was acquired in the framework of the PANACEA project (Platform for Automatic, Normalized Annotation and Cost-Effective Acquisition of Language Resources for Human Language Technologies), under the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
0.00 €
0.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
0.00 €
0.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-W0070
ISLRN: 393-864-255-110-7The PANACEA Labour Italian monolingual corpus was acquired in the framework of the PANACEA project (Platform for Automatic, Normalized Annotation and Cost-Effective Acquisition of Language Resources for Human Language Technologies), under the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme. ...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
0.00 €
0.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
0.00 €
0.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-W0043
ISLRN: 608-362-291-385-1The PAROLE Italian Corpus comprises 3,135,651 words collected from four different domains: • newspapers: 2,179,800 words from La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, L’Unione Sarda, Il Sole 24ore, between 1992 and 1996, • periodicals: 143,810 words from Casaviva, 100cose, Epoca, Espan...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
100.00 €
100.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
150.00 €
150.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0072-01
ISLRN: 388-991-977-669-9This lexicon is subdivided into five different subsets: L0072-01 Full lexicon L0072-02 Phonetic layer L0072-03 Morphological layer L0072-04 Syntactic layer L0072-05 Semantic layer PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS is a four-level, general purpose lexicon that has been elaborated over three different projects....
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1500.00 €
12000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
12000.00 €
12000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
2000.00 €
15600.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
15600.00 €
15600.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0072-03
ISLRN: 969-348-626-482-1This lexicon is subdivided into five different subsets: L0072-01 Full lexicon L0072-02 Phonetic layer L0072-03 Morphological layer L0072-04 Syntactic layer L0072-05 Semantic layer PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS is a four-level, general purpose lexicon that has been elaborated over three different projects....
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
375.00 €
3000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
3000.00 €
3000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
500.00 €
3900.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
3900.00 €
3900.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0072-02
ISLRN: 180-476-916-198-4This lexicon is subdivided into five different subsets: L0072-01 Full lexicon L0072-02 Phonetic layer L0072-03 Morphological layer L0072-04 Syntactic layer L0072-05 Semantic layer PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS is a four-level, general purpose lexicon that has been elaborated over three different projects....
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
600.00 €
4800.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
4800.00 €
4800.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
800.00 €
6200.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
6200.00 €
6200.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0072-05
ISLRN: 035-041-279-714-6This lexicon is subdivided into five different subsets: L0072-01 Full lexicon L0072-02 Phonetic layer L0072-03 Morphological layer L0072-04 Syntactic layer L0072-05 Semantic layer PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS is a four-level, general purpose lexicon that has been elaborated over three different projects....
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
150.00 €
1200.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1200.00 €
1200.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
200.00 €
1600.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
1600.00 €
1600.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0072-04
ISLRN: 737-815-447-915-0This lexicon is subdivided into five different subsets: L0072-01 Full lexicon L0072-02 Phonetic layer L0072-03 Morphological layer L0072-04 Syntactic layer L0072-05 Semantic layer PAROLE-SIMPLE-CLIPS is a four-level, general purpose lexicon that has been elaborated over three different projects....
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
375.00 €
3000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
3000.00 €
3000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
500.00 €
3900.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
3900.00 €
3900.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0053
ISLRN: 879-691-197-734-3This Italian monolingual dictionary was developed within the French national project EurRADic (European and Arabic Dictionaries and Corpora), as part of the Technolangue programme funded by the French Ministry of Industry. It contains 70,951 lemmas (557,204 inflected forms), with their part of sp...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
800.00 €
6500.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
6500.00 €
6500.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
1600.00 €
9000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
9000.00 €
9000.00 €
Special offers are also available. Check here for details.
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0013-01
ISLRN: 273-356-234-601-1A Generic monolingual Italian dictionary of 87,000 canonical forms. Multi-word terms contain morphological coding for the headword.
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
19140.00 €
47850.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
47850.00 €
47850.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
20880.00 €
52200.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
52200.00 €
52200.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0013-03
ISLRN: 974-347-456-124-9A Generic monolingual Italian dictionary of 48,000 canonical forms (Technical). Multi-word terms contain morphological coding for the headword.
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
10560.00 €
26400.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
26400.00 €
26400.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
11520.00 €
28800.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
28800.00 €
28800.00 €
- Italian
ID: ELRA-L0013-02
ISLRN: 832-758-690-732-9A Generic monolingual Italian dictionary of 612,000 inflected forms. Multi-word terms contain morphological coding for the headword.
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
135080.00 €
336600.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
336600.00 €
336600.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
147360.00 €
367200.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
367200.00 €
367200.00 €
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