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1 Language Resource
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ILE: Italian LExicon
- Italian
ID: ELRA-S0059
ISLRN: 052-156-999-928-3ILE is a 588,000 entries Italian lexicon transcribed with SAMPA notation. It was generated, mainly for speech recognition purposes, by means of a morphological analyzer handling more than 100,000 morphemes, each of them transcribed and manually checked. Each stem was combined with all its possibl...
MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
3000.00 €
12000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
12000.00 €
12000.00 €
NON MEMBER | academic | commercial |
Licence: Non Commercial Use - ELRA END USER |
6000.00 €
18000.00 €
Licence: Commercial Use - ELRA VAR |
18000.00 €
18000.00 €